How to Start Frozen Sweet Corn Processing Business?

To get the availability of the sweet corn in your local market, the sweet corn is freezed in cold storage to keep it fresh and sweet. Frozen sweet corn is very tasty as well as affordable to all the people. Lets see the process, Investment, area and other information to start frozen sweet corn processing business.

Due to increasingly changes in the life style of all the peoples. There is an increase in demand in the food products in the market. As the population increase, the demand will also increase respectively. You can see the worldwide increase in the food industries and frozen food products in cities, town and villages.

In the modern era, the traditional Indian food is mixed with the modern technologies to make it available throughout the year and serve your favorite food anytime. In this article, we will talk about sweet corn. The cultivation of sweet corn was started in Mexico by the locals before thousands of years.

Due to the delicious sweet taste, sweet corn can be found easily in all malls and small shops in all countries. Sweet, juicy, crunchy, and delicious sweet corn is used as a topping in many food items. You can add this item in any favour like making sweet corn soup, sour and spicy sweet corn bhel food, or use it like vegetable.

Raw materials

It very simple to understand the raw materials which will be required to start frozen sweet corn processing business. You will require sweet corn. To make the plant, you require atleast 80 manpower to remove the exterior coating of the corn, processing and removing the corns.

How to package and sell frozen sweet corn in market?

When the sweet corn passes through all the steps like washing, peeling, sorting then it comes to the cold storage. All the corns are weighted and stored in large bags to get freeze them. Whenever their is the demand of the sweet corn in the market. According to the demand, the specific quantity is removed from the cold storage and packed them into small bags like 500g,1 Kg, 2 Kg, and 5 Kg or according to their weight and price.


The first step in the process of frozen sweet corn processing plant to buy the corn from the local market or from the farmers during the harvesting time. The next step is to manually peel the other covering of the sweet corn and check the quality of the product. Then the seeds of the corn are removed manually and passed through the blanching unit. In this process, the corn is pass into the hot water for few minutes and take out.

After the blanching process, the next step is of cooling process. For cooling purposes, cold water is used to after the process, the corn are dried out to remove the excess water on it. For freezing, many industries use blast freezers to make the cooling process fast. After the freezing process, the frozen sweet corns are then stored in cold chambers.

In cold chambers, sweet corn are packaged in big sacks. As per market demand, the sack is then removed from the chambers. Workers manually sort and separate the sweet corn from the ice. Using the weighing machine, 200g, 500g and 1 kg sweet corn packets are supplied in the market as per demand using the cold chains.

Man Powers

Man power depend upon the capacity of your plant and as per demand and supply requirements. To start the sweet corn cold storage plant of 12 metric ton capacity, you will require atleast 10 to 15 to regular plant operation. At the time of the harvesting of the corn, you need many contractual labours to peel, remove the grains and sort of the corn. The number of the labour may vary as per your land of the farm.

Machines and Equipment

Let’s discuss the machineries and equipment you require to start frozen sweet corn processing plant. You will require less number of machines as the process is quite simple and straightforward. Some of the machineries you required are:

  • Vegetables and Fruits Washing Machine
  • Blanching Machine
  • Cooling Tank
  • Blast Freezer
  • Weighing Machine
  • Packaging Machine
  • Cold Chamber – Which can cool up to ” Minus 18″ degree Celsius.

Electricity Requirements

For fully automated sweet corn processing business, you will require a load of 540 kW of electric power. From this you will require 230 kW of load for the cooling. For small scale sweet corn processing business, then you will require 12 to 15 kw of electric power.

Land Requirement

For large scale plant:- 40000 to 50000 Sq. ft

For small scale plant:- 3000 to 4000 Sqft.


If you have your own land and want to start this business on small scale, the including the cost of the infrastructures and machineries, you will require approx. 35 to 40 lakhs Rupees.

Profit Margin

If you sell the sweet corn off season then you can easily earn a profit of 18% gross margin.


  • GST
  • Trademark

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  • Standup India

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